
Dear Parent or Guardian, 

Immunizations (also called vaccines or shots) are one of the most important ways to protect children from diseases. Immunizations are especially important for school-aged children because children in school are regularly in close contact with others who may be able to spread these diseases. 

Due to recent immunization changes as of May 20, 2024, for the upcoming school year, all students will need the following immunizations or an appropriate waiver.

Kindergarten-6th grades

4 doses of polio

4 doses of DtaP/DT/Td

3 doses of hepatitis B

2 doses of varicella (chickenpox) or history of disease documented by a qualified healthcare professional

2 doses of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) 

7th-11th grades

          All the previously required vaccines, plus:

         1 dose of Tdap

         1 MenACWY-containing vaccine 

12th grade

         All the previously required vaccines, plus:

         A booster dose of a MenACYW-containing vaccine. 

         Students who have not received their first dose by age 16 should only receive one dose. 

For more information, please talk with your child’s doctor or visit the DHS website

What should I do?

Make sure your child is up to date on their vaccinations by checking your child’s immunization record. To get your child up to date on their vaccinations:

1.      Make a vaccine appointment with your doctor or the Rock County Public Health Department.

2.      Ask the health care provider to complete the Student Immunization Record form. Return the form to your child’s health office. 

3.      You can also visit the Wisconsin Immunization Registry to see if your child is missing or coming due for any immunizations. 

Immunizations are covered by most health insurance plans. If you do not have health insurance, or your health insurance does not cover immunizations, the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program may be able to help with the cost of immunizations. For more information on the VFC program visit:

Please contact Sandy Biviano, MSN RN (608) 561-6061 or visit the DHS website for more information on school vaccine requirements.

A quick immunization reference guide is found here