Hello Edgerton,
The Edgerton School District Board of Education has placed an Operational Referendum on the April 2, 2024 ballot. The referendum is asking voters to approve $3,500,000 beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, for recurring purposes consisting of operational and maintenance expenses.
Due to state-funding, school districts across Wisconsin have sought, or are seeking authorization within their community to exceed the state-imposed per-pupil revenue limit delivered by each budget to fund schools. At the state level, school funding has not kept pace with inflation which has resulted in school districts seeking an operational referendum to exceed state per-pupil funding limits. As a result of successful operational referendums within our immediate region, the Edgerton School District has the lowest per-pupil funding when compared to all the school districts that border Edgerton.
In an effort to remain competitive with our student programming, class sizes, and retention of staff, the Edgerton School District must seek the community’s authorization to increase our per-pupil revenue limit . Without competitive revenue, we simply can not keep pace with current program offerings, class-sizes, and retention of qualified and highly effective staff.
Please visit our website, attend one of our referendum information sessions to stay informed.
Dr. Dennis Pauli, District Administrator
Dr. Tad Wehner, Director of Finance & Personnel