Menu change for lunch today! Due to product not coming in on my delivery truck yesterday, I am forced to make a menu change for everyone today. The change will be in replacement for the french toast sticks only. Yahara: Pancakes CES: Max Stix/Marinara Sauce MS: Chicken Nuggets/WG dinner Roll HS: Mini Corn Dogs
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Changes to Work Permits! You can now obtain a work permit online - The application is live now. A parent can access the site using the link above. Payment is made directly to the department through the application, using a credit or debit card or by ACH direct withdrawal. Once the permit application process is complete, the Department mails a paper copy of the permit directly to the employer. The old system will continue to be operational until June 30, 2023, when we will be discontinuing it.
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Work Permits now available online!
On Behalf of Edgerton Youth Soccer Association: Youth Soccer Camp July 25th-27th 5:30pm - 7:30pm Registration link:
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Soccer Camp Flyer
Good morning, The telephone system and internet that provides service to and from Edgerton School District is currently not working properly. Callers may get a busy signal, experience continuous ringing or the call may get through. The Technology Department is aware of the issue and is in the process of identifying and resolving the situation. Thank you for your understanding as work continues to restore service. Following the discovery of the service outage this morning, a Blackboard robocall was made to all district parents to notify them of the outage as well as to communicate alternative phone numbers for each building's main office. To contact any of the affected buildings, please use the following phone numbers: Community Elementary School - 608-501-5689 Yahara Elementary School - 608-772-9406 Edgerton Middle School – 608-205-7436 Edgerton High School – 608-205-7618 District Office - 608-480-0496
over 1 year ago, James Haas
The Yahara Community Club and the Rascal Community Club are hosting a movie night on May 19th. They are in need of some volunteers for the event that is being held at Community Elementary. High schoolers are welcome to sign up if they are in need of volunteer hours. So sign up for 30 minutes or all night. Thank you so much for helping make this event a success!
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Popcorn Bucket
On Sunday, April 30th, the Edgerton School District hosted the Rock Valley Awards Ceremony. Taher, Inc., your district food service provider had the honor of serving horderves prior to the event. Thank you for the opportunity to serve the conference!
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Kitchen Staff with the prepared tables.
The gym filled with families awaiting the program.
The gym filled with families awaiting the program.
The gym filled with families awaiting the program.
Kitchen Staff with the prepared tables.
Friday, May 5th is Lunch Lady Hero Day. Here is a picture of EHS's own Lunch Lady Hero, Nancy Kiesow, dressed in her super power cape ready to take on today's job of feeding our students!
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Nacy in a red cape in the HS kitchen.
Online Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is now open. If you plan to have your child attend school in the fall of 2023, please register your student no later than Friday, May 19th. Registration can be completed through your Parent Portal. La inscripción en línea para el año escolar 2023-2024 ya está abierta. Si planea que su hijo/a asista a la escuela en el otoño del 2023, registre a su hijo/a a más tardar el Viernes, 19 de Mayo. El registro se puede completar a través de su portal para padres.
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
23-24 Online Registration Now Open!
A big THANK YOU these wonderful people at Edgerton High School for helping us encourage acceptance during Autism Acceptance Month, as well as support the Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin! “I believe in a spectrum of possibilities ♥️
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
Group of staff and students holding Autism Awareness Month poster.
Group of staff and students holding Autism Awareness Month poster.
This week the Shakespeare students finished reading Hamlet. Now they'll write their own alternate endings to this classic play. ✨
over 1 year ago, Edgerton School District
 Shakespeare students finished reading Hamlet.
 Shakespeare students finished reading Hamlet.
 Shakespeare students finished reading Hamlet.
 Shakespeare students finished reading Hamlet.
 Shakespeare students finished reading Hamlet.
 Shakespeare students finished reading Hamlet.
 Shakespeare students finished reading Hamlet.
 Shakespeare students finished reading Hamlet.
 Shakespeare students finished reading Hamlet.
 Shakespeare students finished reading Hamlet.
The Literati Book Fair is coming to Community Elementary April 24-28th! It will be open to students during the day and to families during Literacy Night on Wednesday, April 26th, 4-6:00 pm. Come check it out or shop online: and search for our school.
almost 2 years ago, Edgerton School District
Literati Book Fair Poster
On Wednesday April 19th, Taher, Inc conducted another Kids in the Kitchen program at the HS kitchen after school for fourth graders. We had 12 students learn how to make pizza dough from scratch along with making their own personal pan pizzas to take home afterwards. A fun time was had by all who attended and we'll be looking forward to another class in the fall! A special thank you goes out to Chef Tyson Repp who helped me out with this fun event!
almost 2 years ago, Edgerton School District
The kitchen is prepped for kids in the kitchen.
Group of students eager to make a pizza.
LIMITED SEATS availabled for Saturday's Show! To Purchase tickets - Danny Gough Class Dynamix Coming to EPAC on April 22nd with Wisconsin Singers Award winning Songwriter, Danny Gough of Class Dynamix has been working with Edgerton Elementary Students this year creating their very own unique school anthems and music videos that showcases to the world just how special they are. Listen to Danny and Mr. Northouse on WCLO this morning.
almost 2 years ago, Edgerton School District
Danny working with students!
It's Spring Cleaning Time! Please clean out your book shelves and donate any gently used books to school to be redistributed to kids to read at home! Drop off books at the Primary or Intermediate offices anytime! Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Edgerton School District
Books on a shelf
The Literati Book Fair is coming to Community Elementary April 24-28th! It will be open to students during the day and to families during Literacy Night on Wednesday, April 26th, 4-6:00 pm. Come check it out or shop online: and search for our school.
almost 2 years ago, Edgerton School District
Literati Book Fair flyer
Did you know that you may qualify for $30/month off home internet service? You may be eligible if you participate in a government assistance program, such as Medicaid or SNAP, you are a household with a dependent who is part of a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school or who receives free or reduced-price meals at school, or if your household income is at 200% of the federal poverty level. ¿Sabía que puede calificar para un descuento de $30/mes en el servicio de Internet en el hogar? Usted puede ser elegible si participa en un programa de asistencia gubernamental, como Medicaid o SNAP, si es un hogar con un dependiente que forma parte de una escuela de la Disposición de Elegibilidad Comunitaria (Community Eligibility Provisión, CEP) o que recibe comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido en la escuela o si su ingreso familiar se encuentra en el 200 % del nivel federal de pobreza.
almost 2 years ago, Edgerton School District
Get $30/month off your home internet bill.
Obtenga un descuento de $30/mes en su factura de Internet para el hogar
All families from Yahara and Community Elementary Schools are invited to a K-5 Family Literacy Night held on Wednesday, April 26th from 4-6pm at Community Elementary School. There will be snacks, lots of activities, drawings, the Book Fair, a special reptile presentation and more! Look forward to seeing you there!
almost 2 years ago, Edgerton School District
K-5 Family Literacy Night - April 26th @ 4pm-6pm Community Elementary
Come and join us for the Senior Art Show! April 19th - 6:00pm - 7:30pm in the Edgerton High School Commons
almost 2 years ago, Edgerton School District
Senior art show details.  Information also in the post.
Reminder no school April 7th or April 10th!
almost 2 years ago, Edgerton School District
No School April 7th & 10th.
APR 05, 2023 Transforming lives - one song at a time! Award winning Songwriter, Danny Gough of Class Dynamix has been working with Edgerton Elementary Students this year creating their very own unique school anthems and music videos that showcases to the world just how special they are. Class Dynamix was created in Leeds, UK in 2014 by Danny Gough. It began from a passion that still fuels them today. They are driven to help young people grow and become their very best. They achieve this through powerful songs, workshops and performances that impact positive messages and values. Their work helps kids build their character and grow their mindset so that they can truly thrive in life. Class Dynamix leads exciting aspirational projects that deliver high-quality outcomes and learning experiences - with a mission to help young people expand in confidence, belief and self-esteem. Class Dynamix music and voices have been heard by millions around the world – including Britain’s Got Talent Semi-finals 2020. Click here to view on Youtube: Class Dynamix website: On Saturday, April 22, 2023 @ 2:00 PM and 6:30 PM the Wartmann Artist Series will host the Elementary Students as they premiere their school anthems at the Wisconsin Singers concert in the Edgerton Performing Arts Center at 200 Elm High Dr Edgerton, WI 53534. Tickets are $15 each and can be purchased online at or by phone at (608)561-6093. This concert is partially funded by the William and Joyce Wartmann Endowment for the Performing Arts.
almost 2 years ago, Edgerton School District
Class Dynamix working with Yahara students!